About Us

The PURPL, an Indian company shipping to all over India committed to delivering Innovation and Convenience to its customers. 
We're always on the lookout for cool and trending products that make your life better.
Driven by our passion for customer happiness, we have a Happiness Equation that's drilled into our very core. What does this mean for you? Well, we'll look after you and go to extreme lengths to make sure you're satisfied.
We started in 2022 and it is our mission to only list the best and most affordable items on this website.
OFFICE: Turk colony Danish Mandan, Amroha, Uttar Paradesh


We're so confident you'll love our products - we offer 100% FREE SHIPPING; and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. 
Don't like something you bought? Tell us, and we'll be happy to solve your issue.


Contact us now using our contact page or email us at support@purpl.in or directly call us at
+91- 7302086001
Happy shopping!